Prostate Protection And Cancer Prevention

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Prostate Protection And Cancer PreventionFor a man, protecting the prostate is one of the most important things he can do. Not many people give much thought to this small gland in the body; until it begins to cause problems.

When it comes to prostate protection, there are a few lifestyle adjustments that men can make to stay ahead of the game. Nothing too radical, just common-sense changes like:

  • Lowering Fat Intake. Sticking to a lower fat diet can be beneficial for prostate health. Try lean cuts of meat and reduced fat dairy products.
  • Including More Plant Fats. Steer clear of butter and lard and switch to plant-based oils such as olive and canola.
  • Increasing Fruits And Veggies. Adding these natural vitamins and nutrients can reduce the risk of many different cancers, especially prostate.
  • Reducing Dairy. Men who eat the most dairy products have a higher risk of prostate cancer, so keep cheese, milk, and yogurt at a minimal.

Lifestyle changes can also include adding private label nutritional supplements to the daily diet. There are several vitamins and supplements that have been shown to aid in prostate health, such as:

  • Omega-3. These essential fatty acids can be found in fish like salmon and tuna, but are easy to find in supplement form. Look for Omega-3 in fish oil supplements (including krill oil), DHA, and flaxseed oil.
  • Oregano. This is a powerful herbal antioxidant that fights against cancer cells. Though there are a few private label nutritional supplements available, adding it fresh or dried to your dishes to reap plenty of benefits.
  • Garlic. This pungent clove can be a cancer-fighting wonder. It’s one of the best protectors of the prostate that you can eat thanks to its cancer-busting compounds. If the smell puts you off, try a garlic supplement.
  • Zinc. Having too little of this mineral in your body can be damaging to DNA, which can lead to prostate cancer. Zinc goes after harmful BPH cells and works to shrink and regulate your prostate gland.
  • Saw Palmetto. This is a well-known, all-natural alternative to prescription medication that has been shown to reduce urinary symptoms of BPH. You can find it on its own, or try one of the private label nutritional supplements that include it, such as Prostate Support.

Taking care of the prostate from an early age can go a long way toward good prostate health, but as the old adage says, you’re never too old to start.

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